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Park Public School, Advance Learning Program (ALP) Launching Ceremony

Advanced Learning Program :

  • Park Public School introduces advanced learning program through Chromebook for every student to create one-to-one computing environments, our school allows the students and the teachers to take full advantage of the benefits of learning through the Information Technology.

  • Nurturing Joyful Learners through Critical and Inventive Thinking embodies the school’s aspirations and drive in realizing our school vision of ‘Joyful Learners, Gracious Citizens, Champions in Life’.

  • Rooted in our belief that “Every Parkidens Matters and Deserves the Best”, The ALP programme is specially designed to develop critical and inventive students.

  • The ALP programme runs through a 3-tiered Approach – Experience, Inquire and Hone, The ‘Experience’ and ‘Inquire’ tiers seek to provide opportunities for the masses while ‘Hone’ tier will promote the learning for interested and talented students. The approach is designed to allow students to deepen their appreciation and application of as they progress through each tier.

  • As an Alternative Learning Pathway, we recognize that the students in our care require more support. Students accessing the ALP experience a range of barriers to learning, which can result, in time, in difficulty accessing a mainstream curriculum, disengagement, lack of confidence, reduced options in later years etc. It is important that all students are supported and challenged to make outstanding progress, despite any learning difficulty.

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